ASL 102 - 1.5 CEUs


Little Quack

Desired Outcomes

You will complete this self study course submitting both receptive and expressive homework assignments.

Our servers grade your receptive homework and our teachers grade your expressive videos.

Once you complete the course our teachers will schedule a live video call with you for a short conversation.

Then we will issue your CEU points.

ASLTA:Following ASLTA National Standards modified by RIT the objectives for the first-year, elementary-level, ASL series are organized around the 5 Cs as established by ACTFL.

COMMUNICATION: At the end of the 100-level series students will have acquired a novice high/intermediate low proficiency level, which means they will be able to successfully handle a variety of basic communicative tasks necessary for survival in a ASL speaking context. Students completing ASL 102 will have acquired an intermediate low proficiency level.

Topics include:

  1. People and Introductions
  2. Home and More Numbers
  3. Making Requests
  4. Dating and Relationships
  5. Exam 1
  6. Eating and Cooking
  7. Weather and Environment
  8. Banking and Money
  9. Leisure Activities
  10. Exam 2
  11. Sightseeing
  12. Urgent Care
  13. Thoughts and Opinions
  14. Famous Deaf People
  15. Exam 3

CULTURES: Students will have gained a deeper knowledge and understanding of the cultures of the ASL-speaking world. They will be more acquainted with the places where ASL is spoken, will have explored some of the main cultural, social, and historical events of the deaf world, and will have increased their awareness of the U.S. deaf/Latino communities.

CONNECTIONS: Students will be able to acquire new information and reinforce their knowledge of other disciplines through ASL.

COMPARISONS: Students will have developed new insights into the nature of language and culture that will allow them to establish comparisons not only between languages, but also between the deaf culture and their own.

COMMUNITIES: Students will be able to use ASL to participate in deaf communities.
